【OCTOBER 13】Number of mid-/long-term Non-Japanese Residents (3,223,858 as of JUNE 30, 2023)

Immigration Services Agency announced in the press release that the number of Non-Japanese Residents living in Japan in a mid-/long-term period has reached 3,223,858 as of June 30, 2023.

Following are the classifications of statistics by (1) Nationality/Region, (2) Status of Residence and (3) Prefecture. (number in bracket is the record as of December 31, 2022)

Total: 3,223,858 (3,075,213)

(1) By Nationality/Region (Top five)
1. China: 788,495 (761,563)
2. Vietnam: 520,154 (489,312)
3. Korea: 411,748 (411,312)
4. Philippines: 309,943 (298,740)
5. Brazil: 210,653 (209,430)

(2) By Status of Residence (Top five)
1. Permanent Resident: 880,178 (863,936)
2. Technical Intern Training: 358,159 (324,940)
3. Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services: 346,116 (311,961)
4. Student: 305,916 (300,638)
5. Special Permanent Resident: 284,807 (288,980)

(3) By Prefecture (Top five)
1. Tokyo: 627,183 (596,148)
2. Aichi: 297,248 (286,604)
3. Osaka: 285,272 (272,449)
4. Kanagawa: 256,738 (245,790)
5. Saitama: 221,835 (212,624)

For more details, please refer to the link below. (available only in Japanese)
